Partnering with Parents News

Children's Ministry News

Grade Promotion Sunday is this Sunday, August 29 during the main service followed by a "Goodbye Summer Popsicle Party" for all the kiddos!  If you have a child going into the 3rd grade or going into the 6th grade for the 2021-2022 school year we want to recognize those kiddos and emphasize that as kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them.  

Here's the breakdown:
  •  Tots (ages 1-3) will move up to Tykes/Kids class on their birthdays when they turn 4.
  •  Tykes/Kids (ages 4-8) those that are going into the 3rd grade will move up to Students.
  •  Students (ages 9-11 and/or 3rd-5th grade) those that are going into the 6th grade will move up to Youth.
Please reach out to me at [email protected] if your child will want to be recognized on this Sunday.

To register your kiddos for the Popsicle party, click here.  

This Sunday is Family Sunday and there will be no kids classes.  We will all be in the main service with our families.  

And now for this week's lesson... 

Jesus Will Return!

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about:  Jesus will Return!
Story Point: Jesus promised to come back to earth soon. When Jesus returns, those who trust in Jesus will be with Him and enjoy Him forever. God will undo every bad thing caused by sin—no more death, no more pain, no more tears. Jesus is making all things new.
Family Bible Reading: Revelation 11:15
Big Picture Question:  What is the hope of the church?
Big Picture Answer:  The church looks forward to Jesus' return when he will make all things new!

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1-3)
  • Jesus will come back and undo every bad thing.
  • John saw the new heaven and new earth Jesus made.
  • God will live with His people forever.
  • Jesus is coming back soon.
  • The church waits for Jesus to come back.
Gospel Tykes & Kids (ages 4-8)
  • Jesus said that He is coming back soon.
  • What is the hope of the church? The church looks forward to Jesus’ return when He will make all things new.
Gospel Students (ages 9-11)
  • Jesus will return, destroy evil, and make all things new.
  • What is the hope of the church? The church looks forward to Jesus' return when He will make all things new.

Watch the Video Lesson Below!




