Sunday Recap - January 7, 2024

This Sunday Pastor Jon preached through Mark 9:38-50, helping us to see how we serve our brothers and sisters in Christ who are less spiritually mature.


Marriage Conference, February 23, 6PM | RSVP
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
Join us for our first marriage conference on February 23rd and 24th! At this conference we’ll be participating in the “Marriage of Your Dreams” conference taught by Dr. Paul Tripp that will help us see how the gospel strengthens and transforms our marriages. This conference is for couples in any stage of life who are married or preparing for marriage.

Childcare is provided including time for you to get away for a date Saturday afternoon. Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for an event registration form coming soon!

Opportunities to Serve in Children's Ministry
We have opportunities to serve within our Children's Ministry. All children's ministry volunteers must have attended Gospel Life Church a minimum of 6 months. Individuals volunteering as Instructors must be Covenant Members. Below are the current opportunities:

  • Gospel Tots Instructor (x3)
  • Aides for all classes (Tots, Tykes, Kids, Students)

Additionally, we always have opportunities for Junior Aides to serve as well, which are volunteer roles for older children at least 13 years of age. If you are interested in serving, please contact our Children's Director Mona at [email protected].

Youth Gospel Community, Wednesdays, 6PM
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
Our Youth Gospel Community (6-12 grade) meets weekly from 6-8PM. During this time, kids get to grow in community with their peers, participate in various activities, and spend time in God's Word, understanding what it means for their lives. The Youth GC meets every Wednesday evening, except for the last Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Bobby Duke & Victoria Zinkgraf.
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