Sunday Recap - April 30, 2023

This Sunday, Pastor Matt preached on Psalm 86 showing how the psalms of lament help us pray honestly and openly to God in time of difficulty and suffering. 

Men's BBQ Dinner, May 15, 6:00PM | RSVP Here  
      Join the men of Gospel Life for a BBQ dinner and a time of encouragement and equipping. Pastor Josh will be sharing on how the gospel shapes our work. This is a great time to connect and grow with the men of our church! Cost is $5 for dinner.

Membership Class, May 21, 1:00PM | RSVP Here
       Our Membership Class is focused on the mission, values, and discipleship strategy at Gospel Life Church. The purpose of this class is to explore these elements of our local body and help you understand how they play out practically at Gospel Life Church.





