Sunday Recap - September 3, 2023

This Sunday, Pastor Tyler preached through Mark 7:1-13, prompting us to examine what traditions we have idolized and are staking our claim to righteousness in.


Newcomer's Lunch, September 24, 12PM | RSVP
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
Are you visiting Gospel Life Church in the hopes of finding a new church to call home? Perhaps you are new to town or even new to Christianity and not sure what all this is about. If so, then our Newcomer's Lunch is the perfect next step for you!

The Newcomer's Lunch is a time for you to meet the pastors of Gospel Life Church and get to know more about our mission, values, and discipleship strategy. It’s a time to help you get to know more about us and for us to get to know you. So please, take this next step and join us - we’d love to meet you!

Lunch is provided and children are welcomed. If you have any additional questions, please email our Executive Pastor at [email protected]. We hope to see you soon!

Covenant Member Gathering, September 27, 6:30PM | RSVP
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church, please join us for our Covenant Member Gathering on the evening of Wednesday, September 27 for the presentation of our FY23-24 Operating Budget. Our Covenant Member Gatherings are such an important time as they allow us to meet together as a family and discuss important topics in our ministries, member care, and finances. We ask that you please make it a priority to attend as the information presented in these meetings is pertinent to all Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church. Participation in these meetings is valuable to us, as it is one of the ways our covenant with one another is practically played out.

Childcare will be available (with the exception of children less than 1 year of age). If you need childcare, please ensure to RSVP for yourself and your children.  

Foundations: How to Study the Bible, October 8, 5:30PM | RSVP
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
RSVP for our first Foundations class "How to Study the Bible!" We'll spend four weeks learning and practicing helpful methods to interpret and apply scripture so that we grow as Jesus's disciples. The class will use the book "Come and See" by Dr. Jonathan Pennington as a framework and will be a mixture of group discussion, teaching, and homework. Feel free to bring dinner. Childcare will be provided for up to 7th grade. This class is for anyone eighth grade or older. Cost is $20 per participant and cover the book and childcare for the entire class.

Youth Gospel Community, Wednesdays, 6:00PM
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX
Our Youth Gospel Community (6-12 grade) meets weekly from 6-8PM. During this time, kids get to grow in community with their peers, participate in various activities, and spend time in God's Word, understanding what it means for their lives. The Youth GC meets every Wednesday evening, except for the last Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Bobby Duke & Victoria Zinkgraf.
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