Sunday Recap - August 20, 2023

This Sunday, guest speaker Jacob Lee preached on Hebrews 11:13-16, teaching us what it means to live as sojourners and exiles, looking forward to the better country come.


Promotion Sunday, August 27, 11:30AM
Gospel Life Church, New Braunfels, TX

On Sunday, August 27, we celebrate children moving up in their ministry classes. Some children will graduate from one class level to the next, while others will move from youth ministry to attending the Sunday Gathering with their families.

To celebrate, we'll have a snow cone truck onsite and have a short time of fellowship after the Sunday Gathering.

Youth GC Informational Lunch, August 27, 12:45PM | RSVP Here
Gospel Life Church, New Braunfels, TX

Is your child entering into our Youth Gospel Community (6th-12th grade)? Are you interested in learning more about our Youth Gospel Community? Then this meeting is for you!

You and your family are invited to join the Youth GC leaders and current participants for an informational lunch meeting to get to know more about our Youth GC. Lunch is provided at no cost. This will be an opportunity to meet the youth kiddos and volunteers, hear about upcoming events, and learn about the heart of the youth ministry at Gospel Life Church.

Youth Gospel Community, Wednesdays, 6:00PM
Gospel Life Church, 1750 McQueeney Rd, New Braunfels, TX

Our Youth Gospel Community (6-12 grade) meets weekly from 6-8PM. During this time, kids get to grow in community with their peers, participate in various activities, and spend time in God's Word, understanding what it means for their lives. The Youth GC meets every Wednesday evening, except for the last Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Bobby Duke & Victoria Zinkgraf.
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