Sunday Recap - May 14, 2023

This Sunday, Pastor Tyler preached on Mark 3:1-6 telling us Jesus invites us to find restoration and rest in Him. This frees us from our idols and enables us to love people rather than use people.

Membership Class, May 21, 1:00PM | RSVP Here
       Our Membership Class is focused on the mission, values, and discipleship strategy at Gospel Life Church. The purpose of this class is to explore these elements of our local body and help you understand how they play out practically at Gospel Life Church.

Family Table, May 24, 6:00PM
       RSVP coming soon! Please join us for our potluck May Family Table! During these events, we’ll share a meal and fellowship together. Our desire is to enjoy the fellowship of the saints, deepen our relationships with one another, and grow through the Word of God. Please feel free to bring a friend – we look forward to seeing you then!

Table for Six | RSVP Here 
       Table for Six is a ladies dinner event designed to build relationships among the women of Gospel Life Church. Ladies who sign up for the event are placed in random groups of six and will go to dinner together at a casual restaurant in New Braunfels with the intent of getting to know women they may not normally get to interact with. Events will take place from 6-8PM on the following dates:
  • June 2
  • June 3
  • June 4
  • June 8
  • June 9
  • June 10




