Sunday Recap - April 9, 2023

This Sunday, Pastor Tyler preached on Mark 2:1-12 telling us Jesus has the power and authority to meet our deepest need; therefore, we can trust Him with everything else. 

Join a Gospel Community Group! | Join Here
       Our Gospel Communities are smaller groups within the church body that meet throughout the week to study Scripture, build community, and encourage one another to live missionally. If you are interested in joining a Gospel Community group, visit the link provided to get in contact with a GC Leader. If you have any further questions, please contact our Spiritual Formation Pastor, Matt Oakes.

GC Leader Sync, April 22, 9:00AM | RSVP Here 
       This is a monthly meeting for Gospel Community (GC) Leaders (men and women) that provides training and teaching to equip GC Leaders for their roles.
Childcare will be provided. Please let us know if you need childcare by registering your children for the event as well.




