Children's Ministry Lesson for February 5

Children's Ministry News

For this Sunday, we will have classes for:
  • Gospel Tots - ages 1 - 2 Years Old 
  • Gospel Tykes - ages 3 - 5 Years Old 
  • Gospel Kids - K - 2nd Grade
  • Gospel Students - 3rd - 5th Grade
We use Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for the Children's Ministry at GLC.  The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered ongoing weekly Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story, the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

And now for this week's lesson... 

Nehemiah Rebuilt the Walls

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Nehemiah Rebuilt the Walls
Story Point: Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem to protect them from their enemies. Jesus came to protect us from our greatest enemies, sin and death. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue everyone who trusts in Him.
Family Bible Reading: For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10
Big Picture Question:  How should we feel when we sin?
Big Picture Answer:  When we sin, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to turn from our sin because we love Him.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1 & 2 years old)
  • Nehemiah helped God’s people rebuild the walls around their city. The walls protected the people from their enemies. Jesus protects us from our enemies.
Gospel Tykes (ages 3 -5 years old)
  • Nehemiah helped God’s people fix the walls around their city. The walls protected the people from their enemies. Jesus protects us from our enemies.
Gospel Kids (K - 2nd grade)
  • Nehemiah helped God’s people fix the walls around their city. The walls protected the people from their enemies. Jesus protects us from our enemies. When we know and love Jesus, He keeps us safe from sin and we will live with Him forever.
Gospel Students (3rd - 5th grade)
  • Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem to protect them from their enemies. Jesus came to protect us from our greatest enemies, sin and death. He died on the cross and rose from the dead to rescue everyone who trusts in Him.

Watch the video lesson below!




