Sunday Recap November 6, 2022

This Sunday Pastor Tyler preached on Ecclesiastes 10:16-11:6 reminding us when are faced with uncertainty, embrace the Wise Way of Jesus instead of the fleeting comforts of folly. 


Newcomers Lunch, November 20, 12:00PM | RSVP Here
       The Newcomer's Lunch is a time for you to meet the pastors of Gospel Life Church and get to know more about our mission, values, and discipleship strategy. It’s a time to help you get to know more about us and for us to get to know you. So please, take this next step and join us - we’d love to meet you!  Lunch is provided and children are welcomed.

Operation Christmas Child, Now through November 20 
       We are launching Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes in the hope to have each family take one or two shoeboxes and fill it with items and toys that a young boy or girl would enjoy. These boxes are then shipped overseas by Samaritan’s Purse. There are shoeboxes and labels available in the back of the sanctuary and upstairs in the hallway. The label has a QR code which allows you to pay the $10 donation fee and you can follow your box to see where it ends up. The deadline to return the boxes is Sunday, November 20. Any questions can be directed to Mona Chandler, our Children's Ministry Director.




