Sunday Recap October 9, 2022

This Sunday Elder Candidate, Matt Oakes, preached on Ecclesiastes 8:10-17 showing us when we look to Christ for our meaning and our future, we can fully enjoy life and rest in Him.


Women’s Fall Equip, October 17, 6:45PM | RSVP Here 
       Join the women of Gospel life as they study how the book of Isaiah is used in the Gospel of Mark!

Newcomers Lunch, November 20, 12:00PM | RSVP Here
       The Newcomer's Lunch is a time for you to meet the pastors of Gospel Life Church and get to know more about our mission, values, and discipleship strategy. It’s a time to help you get to know more about us and for us to get to know you. So please, take this next step and join us - we’d love to meet you!  Lunch is provided and children are welcomed.




