Sunday Recap September 4, 2022

This Sunday Pastor Jonathon preached on Acts 4:23-31 reminding us to pray in light of God‘s providence while considering His power, plans and promises.


Men's Equip Fall Kickoff, September 12, 6:00PM | RSVP Here
       Join the men from Gospel Life as we kick off our Fall Equip Study! We'll have dinner together, talk about our upcoming study through Tim Keller's "The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness", and enjoy some time together. Register soon so we have enough food for you!

Membership Class, September 25, 1:00PM | RSVP Here
       Our Membership Class is focused on the mission, values, and discipleship strategy at Gospel Life Church. The purpose of this class is to explore these elements of our local body and help you understand how they play out practically at Gospel Life Church. Childcare can be arranged as needed. If you need childcare, please ensure to register your children as well.




