Sunday Recap July 3, 2022

This Sunday Pastor Nathaniel preached through Psalm 148 and showed us how the gospel helps us praise God in all kinds of circumstances.


Coffee with the Pastors July 17, 1PM | RSVP Here
Coffee with the Pastors is a time for you to meet the pastors of Gospel Life Church and get to know more about our mission, values, and discipleship strategy. It’s a time to help you get to know more about us and for us to get to know you. So please, take this next step and join us for coffee - we’d love to meet you!

Family Table July 20, 6PM | RSVP Here
Please join us for July Family Table! During these events, we’ll share a meal together and hear a short devotional. Our desire is to enjoy the fellowship of the saints, deepen our relationships with one another, and grow through the Word of God. Please feel free to bring a friend – we look forward to seeing you then!




