Children's Ministry Lesson for July 11

Children's Ministry News

There will be classes for all age groups at GLC this Sunday!  
  • Tots (ages 1-3) will be in the Tots room.
  • Tykes/Kids (ages 4-8) will stay inside and be in the room adjacent from Tots room.
  • Students (ages 9-11) will be inside in the Students room downstairs.
Please don't forget to pick your kiddos up from class after service is dismissed.  Thank you!

We use Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for the Children's Ministry at GLC.  The Gospel Project for Kids is a Christ-centered ongoing weekly Bible study resource that looks at the big picture of God's story; the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids of all ages will follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  To download the app and follow along at home, click here.

And now for this week's lesson... 

Paul's Shipwreck!

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about:  Paul's Shipwreck!
Story Point:  Paul trusted God to keep His promise to rescue him from the storm. He encouraged the sailors to trust and obey God too. God calls us to trust in His Son, Jesus, who died to rescue us from sin and death, and to tell others this good news.
Family Bible Reading: Philippians 1:6
Big Picture Question:  What will happen for all Christians in the future?
Big Picture Answer:  One day, all Christians will see Jesus in His glory and live with Him forever!

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

Gospel Tots (ages 1-3)
  • Jesus died to keep us safe from sin and death.
  • Paul was taken on a boat to Rome.
  • A storm broke apart Paul’s boat, but God kept him safe.
  • Nothing could stop God’s plan for Paul
  • One day all Christians will see Jesus.
Gospel Tykes & Kids (ages 4-8)
  • Paul trusted God to keep him safe.
  • What will happen for all Christians in the future? One day all Christians will see Jesus in His glory and live with Him forever.
Gospel Students (ages 9-11)
  • Paul trusted God to rescue him.
  • What will happen for all Christians in the future? One day all Christians will see Jesus in His glory and live with Him forever.

Watch the Lesson Video Below!




