Children's Ministry Lesson for April 4

Children's Ministry News

Easter Sunday is here!  We at Gospel Life Church are excited about what Easter means for us as believers!  We will have Family Sunday which means all kiddos except Tots will be sitting with their parents.  Following the service, there will be an Easter Egg hunt for all kids.  We have sectioned off the property into four age groups: Tots (ages 1-2), Tykes (ages 3-4), Kids (ages 5-8) and Students (ages 9-11). Don't forget your Easter baskets!

And now for this week's lesson!

Easter:  Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about:  Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection
Story Point:  Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. Jesus died to pay for our sins. Jesus is alive! God gives hope and true joy to everyone who trusts in Jesus.
Family Bible Reading:  1Chronicles 16:31
Big Picture Question:  What is the gospel?
Big Picture Answer:  The gospel is the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to rescue sinners.

Dear Parents,

Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are essential to the Christian faith. If we teach Jesus as a respected teacher and miracle-worker who claimed to be the Messiah and who was crucified on the cross—but who was not resurrected—then we are teaching the Jesus of Judaism. If we teach Jesus as a wise teacher and prophet who ascended into heaven—but who was not crucified—then we are teaching the Jesus of Islam.
Jesus’ resurrection gives us joy and hope for our own resurrection. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will raise our bodies to life. (Rom. 8:11)
As you share this Bible story, emphasize the gospel: the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. We do not worship a dead Savior. Jesus is alive! Sadness turns to joy. There is hope for sinners.
Jesus’ death and resurrection is the center of the gospel. Jesus died to pay for our sins. Jesus is alive! God gives hope and true joy to everyone who trusts in Jesus.
Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.  Click here for the app.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home

●Gospel Tots
○The good news is about Jesus.
○Jesus gives us true joy and life with God forever.
○Jesus was put on a cross.
○Jesus died and was buried in a tomb.
○Jesus rose from the dead and is alive!
●Gospel Tykes & Kids
○Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
○What is the gospel? The gospel is the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to rescue sinners.
●Gospel Students
○Jesus’ resurrection gives true joy to believers.
○What is the gospel? The gospel is the good news that God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to rescue sinners.

Watch this week's video lesson...




