Children's Ministry Lesson for February 28

Guarding the Truth

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Guarding the Truth
Story Point: Sharing Jesus with the world is not always easy. There will always be some who try to stop the good news from spreading. God calls believers to follow and obey Jesus no matter what.
Family Bible Reading: Colossians 1:18
Big Picture Question: Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing His love, and telling others about Jesus.
(Scroll to the bottom to watch the video lesson!)

Guarding the Truth!
Paul wrote of the dangers he faced as a disciple of Christ—stoning's, beatings, imprisonment, hunger, and hardship. But he also wrote of the comfort and the strength to endure that Jesus gives to those who trust in Him. Nothing could keep Paul from sharing the good news of Jesus—a  lesson for the believers at Corinth and for all believers everywhere.

As you talk about 2 Corinthians 11, emphasize that God gives us power to stand up for the gospel. Paul cared about the believers in Corinth, and he wanted them to be faithful to Jesus and remember the gospel. Paul may not have been an eloquent speaker like those who preached lies, but he refused to back down. Paul suffered and nearly died to share the gospel.
Like Paul, we guard the truth because God, the Father of the Lord Jesus, deserves to be praised.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home
Gospel Tots and Tykes
  • Paul wanted people to remember what is true about Jesus.
  • Believers follow Jesus and obey Him no matter what
  • Paul wanted people to remember what is true about Jesus.
  • Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God.
Gospel Kids and Students
  • God gives us power to stand up for the gospel.
  • Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing          His love, and telling others about Jesus.

Watch the video lesson below!
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