Children's Ministry News: February 14, 2021

                                Children’s Ministry News: February 14, 2021

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Paul meets Jesus
Story Point: Jesus called Paul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust in Jesus.
Family Bible Reading: Colossians 1:18
Big Picture Question: Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing His love, and telling others about Jesus.

Dear Parents,
Saul was no stranger to religion. He grew up in a religious household. He was a devout Jew who was born in Tarsus (Phil. 3:5) and inherited his Roman citizenship from his father. So when people began talking about this man named Jesus and claiming that He was the promised Messiah, Saul was defensive.
God had a purpose and a plan for Saul. He had set Saul apart before Saul was even born. (Gal. 1:15) God said, “This man is my chosen instrument to take my name to Gentiles, kings, and Israelites” (Acts 9:15).
Jesus changed Saul’s life. As you share with your children, clarify that conversion happens when a person recognizes his sin, repents, believes in Jesus, and confesses Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus changes a person’s heart, and as a result, his life is changed too.
Jesus appeared to Paul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus called Paul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust in Jesus.

                                                Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home
Gospel Tots and Tykes
  • Paul did not love Jesus at first.
  • Jesus came to Paul.
  • God changed Paul’s heart to love Jesus.
  • When we trust in Jesus, He changes us from the inside out.
  • The church worships God.
  • Jesus saved Paul from his sins.
  • Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God.
Gospel Kids and Students
  • Jesus saved Paul and chose him to spread the gospel.
  • Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing His love, and telling others about Jesus.

Ministry News and Happenings
This week we are learning how Jesus saved Paul and why the church exists today.  The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing HIs love and telling others about Jesus.  What better way to tell others about Jesus than volunteering in the Children's Ministry as Gospel Life Church?!  We are in serious need of volunteers for our Students class (3rd-5th grade).  This is a fun group of kiddos that are hungry to learn about Jesus.  If you are interested in helping with our Students on a Sunday morning, we can use you.  Please email me at [email protected] and I will get you plugged in.  I pray you all have a great week!




