Children's Ministry News: February 7, 2021

Children’s Ministry News: February 7, 2021

This upcoming Sunday your child will learn about: Philip and the Ethiopian
Story Point: The Holy Spirit led Philip to tell the Ethiopian man about Jesus
Family Bible Reading: Acts 8  & Colossians 1:18 
Big Picture Question: Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing His love, and telling others about Jesus.

Dear Parents,
This Sunday your child will be learning about Phillip and the Ethiopian.  In today’s Bible story, Philip was instructed by an angel of the Lord to go to a certain road in the desert. Philip obeyed. The Spirit led Philip to a chariot, where an Ethiopian official was reading the Scriptures from the prophet Isaiah. The Ethiopian man did not understand what he was reading, so Philip explained it to him.

The man was reading from the prophet Isaiah: “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter … In his humiliation justice was denied him … For his life is taken from the earth” (Acts 8:32-33). The official wondered if Isaiah was speaking about himself or another person. Philip told the official that Isaiah’s words weren’t about Isaiah; they were about the Messiah—Jesus! The official believed in Jesus and was baptized.

Guide your kids to consider the role of the Holy Spirit in this interaction between Philip and the Ethiopian official. Who was responsible for Philip’s going to the desert? Who helped Philip explain the Scriptures? Who changed the heart of the official so he would believe?

The Ethiopian official knew what the Old Testament prophets said, but he did not understand that they spoke about Jesus. The Holy Spirit led Philip to help the official understand the good news about Jesus: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead, just like the Old Testament prophets said.

Gospel Gems to Discuss at Home:
Gospel Tots and Tykes
○The Holy Spirit told Philip to go to an Ethiopian man.
○Philip told the man the good news about Jesus.
○The Holy Spirit helps people believe the good news.
○The Holy Spirit helps us tell the good news.
○The church worships God.
○Philip told the Ethiopian man about Jesus.
○Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God.
Gospel Kids and Students
○The Holy Spirit led Philip to tell the Ethiopian man about Jesus. 
○Why does the church exist? The church exists to glorify God by worshiping Him, showing His love, and telling others about Jesus.

Ministry News and Happenings:
We’re really looking forward to learning about the early church for the next four weeks.  The early church had some disagreements and problems.  But Jesus is the ultimate leader of the church and we all share the common mission given by Him to take the gospel to the entire world.

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