Sunday Recap October 16, 2022

This Sunday Pastor Tyler preached on Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 reminding us because of our new life in Jesus, we can enjoy God’s good gifts even in the uncertainty under the sun. 


Women’s Fall Equip, October 24, 6:45PM | RSVP Here
       Join the women of Gospel life as they study how the book of Isaiah is used in the Gospel of Mark!

Covenant Member Gathering, October 26, 6:30PM | RSVP Here
       Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church, please join us for our Covenant Member Gathering on the evening of Wednesday, October 26 for the presentation of our FY22-23 Operating Budget. Our Covenant Member Gatherings are such an important time as they allow us to meet together as a family and discuss important topics in our ministries, member care, and finances. We ask that you please make it a priority to attend as the information presented in these meetings is pertinent to all Covenant Members of Gospel Life Church. Participation in these meetings is valuable to us, as it is one of the ways our covenant with one another is practically played out. With that, feel free to break from your normal rhythm of Gospel Communities in order to place a priority on attending this gathering. Childcare will be available (with the exception of children less than 1 year of age). If you need childcare, please ensure to RSVP for yourself and your children.

Newcomers Lunch, November 20, 12:00PM | RSVP Here
       The Newcomer's Lunch is a time for you to meet the pastors of Gospel Life Church and get to know more about our mission, values, and discipleship strategy. It’s a time to help you get to know more about us and for us to get to know you. So please, take this next step and join us - we’d love to meet you!  Lunch is provided and children are welcomed.




